I preordered this beast on Steam for $45, and it was worth EVERY. FRUGGING. PENNY. I totally agree with your mini-review here; but fans will be fans, and some say the first was better. However, the clocked time on my Steam account clearly states my opinion for me.
I preordered this beast on Steam for $45, and it was worth EVERY. FRUGGING. PENNY. I totally agree with your mini-review here; but fans will be fans, and some say the first was better. However, the clocked time on my Steam account clearly states my opinion for me.
Portal 1: 8 hours played.
Portal 2: 34 hours played.
I beat portal 1 in 8 hours as well! Portal to took me 6 hours, but those were nearly 6 straight hours. *FOREVER ALONE*
And yes, I bought it, and I agree! I was like "this was just $45"? :D