Yah, I missed ya.
Weeeelll I can't actually say that since technically I've been here like every day anyway. I just haven't been... well... flash-ualy active.
And trust me I've been working on Flashes since the year rose.
First, I submitted this one to day "Let us go" is going to be my open round flash for the TOFA. You like that right?
Second, I made a comeback message for Dailytoons, my favorite series on Newgrounds <3 for Threestar.
THIRD, and this is the big one.
"La Vie Rouge", an epic tale of discrimination, with other elements that I have never experimented with before. It is nearly done, just waiting for some lines from my OTHER voice actress (Red7227).
And That's alll now. Tout le mond, fous le camp.
In which round are you in TOFA? Wish you good luck.
someplaceelse (Updated )
I'm currently working on my second round flash against elfman rox
Thanx btw