So I made a bunch of stuff in 2011. Even though I only made like 7 movies, they were all fine. So yah 2011 was a good year. 2012 however is going to be more epic, hopefully... you'll see.
Alright time for annual thank yous:
Thank you to all of my friends in real life - for voice acting and support
Thank you to Red7227 - for TRYING to voice act and support.
Thank you for ThreeStar - for responding to my gift to her. No joke you do not know how much it meant to me. :c
Thank you to Ecopipe - for following me and my work
Thank you to MagicMicheal and OutcastLabs - for offering to collaborate with me (sorry I couldn't get anything done, I was way to busy :c )
Thank you for anyone who reviewed my art and animation I appreciate it <3
alright now, REVOLUTION TIME!!!!
For my New Years revolution I want to Collaborate on a flash project (besides voice acting)
alright bye now, oh yah and my friend wanted me to post these: /158528234249605?ref=ts
Cant wait for ur next movie! ^_^