I am now on strike, I will not contribute anything to newgrounds until my question is answered to anyone who reads this, pease answer my question, I am in dire need:
I love newgrounds. I love alot of the flash on it. I can usualy see the effort put up to make the flash good, but now, I have a problem: I see some flashesthat are really bad, no effort, nothing, and they get better scores than the movies I put effort in. Take for example the Letter B, someone makes some piture that anyone can do in seconds, the reveiwers (for reasons like tricking other people into wasting their time into seeing the movie, or them just trying to be funny) vote 5 and reveiw 10 so that it becomes really successful.
I have also noticed some of the flashes on the front page, by artists who have never made front page before have the same quality as my movies, but people still critisize mine by saying things like "it's too short," when there are plenty successful movies that last less than a minute. The animation is good, graphics, everything! There is something I'm missing, but I don't know what. Please help.